



With such a predator rich landscape around Ndutu Safari lodge these courses are designed to give guests a deep dive into the fascinating world of predators from their biology, and behaviours to exploring ecology and learning how to track. The predators which will feature as part of the course include: lion, leopard. cheetah, civet, serval, hyena (spotted and striped), jackal (black backed and sidestriped).

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During your course you are guided by expert Wayo Africa guides who are renowned as being ‘guides guides’ having trained countless other park rangers and guides over the years. You will also be joined local research scientists from Kope Lion & the Serengeti Cheetah Project who will give a particular focus to the resident lion population of 25+ lions and the famous Ndutu cheetah population. The courses will cover class room knowledge development as well as in-the-field study.

All courses are based from Ndutu Safari lodge on a full board basis and you will explore the surrounding region. When you pay to join one of the courses your fee will cover the cost of a local Tanzanian / trainee ranger to join in the training helping them develop vital skills and expertise.